To achieve a world-class innovation culture that consistently delivers new products and services to your customers and clients, you most understand where you are today. This survey is designed to look at key Elements that are the over-arching aspects of a functionally Innovative business. This includes Management, Skills, Strategy, People and what the Future holds. Additionally, this survey examines underlying traits, which are the functional aspects of each element. These traits include Culture, Capability, Communications, Processes, Product Value, Speed to Market and Metrics.
With this survey, there will be 8 questions on each of the 5 elements. Each question has a rating on how you think your business is performing in this area and a rating on how important you think this area is to your business. The top line overview score is available on tab #2 giving you a general understanding of your innovation culture.
For a more detailed assessment, please return the completed survey to and the results will be sent to you in 3-5 business days. The report will show scoring in each area of Elements and Traits and will give recommendations on ways you may want to improve.
This survey is completely free of charge and all company information will be kept confidential.
Innovation Assessment Survey (xlsx)
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