Anywhere from 60% to 80% of new products introduced to the market today are not successful. Why? Customer needs and expectations were not met. There was a poor understanding of the customer and the market. There were quality issues. The list can go on. What can you do to increase your odds?
A robust Stage Gate Project Management process helps you evaluate when products are ready for the next phase of development and a successful launch. Additionally, a Stage Gate Process gives you metrics by which to measure progress and thus compare current to past performance.
An adaptive and forward-looking Portfolio Management Process addresses and prioritizes your projects. It will tell you if a project is even worth investing in. You will understand:
InnGage Solutions, LLC offers a comprehensive approach to Stage Gate and Portfolio Management Processes that will:
By implementing these new processes, you will see immediate results in right-sizing resource allocations focused on the most strategic parts of your business. You will have fewer surprises when a project does not deliver on the desired timelines. You will increase your team’s efficiency, proficiency, and satisfaction by focusing their time and resources more effectively.
Want to learn more about our Stage Gate and Portfolio Management Process or to schedule an introductory assessment of your current processes? Please call or email today.
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